Cost saving is very important for every company. C.H Royal is one of the leading companies in saving cost for customers by creating new in-bound and out-bound services in Cambodia to/from the world.
Outbound Cargo
- Sea-Air via Singapore, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Dubai, Korea...
- Land-Air via Vietnam, and Thailand
- Air-Sea via Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea...
Inbound Cargo
- Air-Land via Vietnam, Thailand...
- Sea-Land via Thailand, Vietnam...
Looking for saving cost of your value cargo, pls look for C.H Royal.

Villa # 161, Stree 574,
Sangkat Boeng Kak II, Khan Toul Kouk,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Tel: + 855-23-888 287
Fax: + 855-23-888 287